Check Application Status

Stay up to date on your application and check your admission status from the comfort of your computer. 

If you have questions about what application materials have been received or still need to be submitted, you can view your completed application and its status through the . From there, access your current application and your "Submit Supplemental Items" page will display information on the status of letters of recommendations, submitted items, transcripts, test scores, and more.  

What Steps Will My Application Go Through?  

Regardless of when you applied, your application will move through the following stages as we work towards your admissions decision: 

  • Application Received 

  • Application Incomplete 

  • Awaiting Program Decision 

  • Final Review 

  • Decision Made 

See the descriptions below. 

Application Steps

Your application has been received. During this stage, our office is reviewing your transcripts and verifying the accreditation of your previous institutions.  

Your program may also be reviewing your application at this time.  

This stage may last anywhere from several days to a few weeks, depending on the number of institutions you attended, whether transfer credits appear on your transcripts, the volume of applications we receive, and the semester you've applied for.   

Your application is missing something. You will receive an automated email from our office with details about your missing credentials (e.g., a letter of reference or a transcript) on a regular basis. Your application will remain in this stage until we receive all materials required for an application to be reviewed and a decision made.

Your transcripts have been evaluated and your program is reviewing your complete application. The time-to-decision varies widely among programs. Because of the great variation by program, our office cannot say with certainty when an admission decision will be made. You may contact the Graduate Coordinator for updates during this time.   

Your program has made its recommendation as to admission. Our office is conducting a final review of your application items, and a decision letter will be sent. This stage doesn't take long so be patient. We do our best to issue a decision quickly, but our speed does depend upon the volume of applications being processed.

Your decision is posted and your letter will be available within one business day. You will receive an email from our office when your letter is ready to view through your application dashboard.